The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Julian Leow Beng Kim, met in a positive dialogue with nine representatives of the Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organizations (Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia, MAPIM) on March 25.
The Catholic Church in Malaysia is soon to launch a new website ( to have a better digital presence for its pastoral ministry and evangelization.
A Malaysian prelate urged Catholics, Muslims, and people of every religion to consciously speak of the positive concept of “mutual respect and acceptance.”
The archbishop of Kuala Lumpur has extended a warm invitation to “those who have drifted from the Church” so they would come back into the fold this Jubilee Year.
The Sarawak government has conferred the Darjah Panglima Setia Bintang Sarawak (PSBS) award to Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh, which carries the title of ‘dato.”
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia called on the faithful to always celebrate unity and friendship as the country celebrates National Day and Malaysia Day.
Earlier this month (August), the Parish Integral Human Development Ministry (PIHD) of the Church of the Divine Mercy in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, celebrated the completion of a 10-week basic sign language course.
In late July 2024, the Caritas Malacca Johore Diocese (MJD) in Malaysia took significant steps in addressing both healthcare and environmental concerns through a series of impactful initiatives.
A Malaysian mother's steadfast faith in God guided her son to His purpose, which later enabled him to be a priest in the Society of Jesus' Singapore-Malaysia region.
For the last 21 years, Lighthouse Feeding Centre: A Place of Hope has been helping the underprivileged and marginalized communities in Penang, Malaysia.
Archbishop Simon Poh's call to "bring love to society" and avoid contributing to global conflicts was delivered during the Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Christian Ecumenical Center in Jalan Stampin, as part of the Sarawak Day celebrations.
The Episcopal Commission for Creation Justice of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei launched an ecological campaign focused on reducing the use of wood and paper.