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Synod in October will be moments of joy, challenge, says Malaysian priest

The forthcoming Synod in October will be moments of joy and challenge, says Father Clarence Devadass, a Malaysian priest and Synod delegate.

The second session of the Synod on Synodality begins at the Vatican on October 2–27.

The first synod assembly occurred from October 4 to 29 at the Vatican. 

“The Synod will undoubtedly bring moments of joy, anticipation, and excitement, but also moments of resistance and challenge which are part of growth," he said.

Father Devadass, the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, stated that these very moments call us to rely more deeply on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“As I depart tonight for the month-long Synod in Rome, my heart is filled with gratitude and humility,” he added.

“It is a tremendous honour to once again be part of such a significant and historic moment in the life of our Church. Having had the privilege of participating in the first Synod on Synodality in 2023, I can say that the excitement and anticipation of this journey remain as strong as ever,” he wrote in a social media post.

This is not just a personal pilgrimage, but one where he carries with him the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the Malaysian Church and the entire Universal Church.

“Together with my fellow delegates from across the world (whom I look forward to meeting again), we will engage in prayerful conversations, reflections, and discernment, all to renew and strengthen the Church and her mission in today’s ever-changing world,” the priest said. 

The delegates will “undertake this responsibility with great hope, knowing that Christ walks with us every step of the way.”

As he embarks on this sacred journey, the priest asks for prayers. 

“Please pray for all the delegates, that we may be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and have the courage to discern God’s will with wisdom and humility,” said Devadass, adding, “Let us all pray for the grace to remain united in our mission to serve both the Church and the world.

This synodal journey is not solely about the discussions that will take place in Rome; it is about the entire Church listening together for the voice of the Spirit. 

“Please continue to pray for us, as we commit ourselves to serving the Church, trusting fully in God's infinite wisdom and love,” said Devadass, “May God bless each of us as we walk this path together, in faith and unity, and most of all, a hope for a better future.”


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