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A Mother's faith: The Journey of Nalerin Erone Bin Nahfirin to the Priesthood

Fr Nalerin Erone with Archbishop John Wong.(Photo: Herald Malaysia Online)

“God heard my earnest plea and blessed me and my son,” Resintia Elias Bakar

Resintia Elias Bakar, a devout parishioner of Holy Nativity Church in Terawi, Sabah, Malaysia, faced a challenging pregnancy many years ago.

Despite doctors advising her to end the pregnancy due to health concerns, Resintia chose a different path. She turned to her unwavering faith in God, praying fervently that her unborn child would one day serve Him.

“God heard my earnest plea and blessed me and my son,” she reflects. “His ways are full of surprises.”

Resintia is deeply grateful that God’s plan prevailed, allowing her to carry the pregnancy to term. Her faith, rooted in the belief that divine wisdom surpasses human understanding, led her to trust in God's plan for her child.

Her son, Nalerin Erone Bin Nahfirin, grew up with a strong inclination toward both medicine and the priesthood. Though he initially pursued engineering, he ultimately followed the calling that had been placed on his heart, entering the Jesuit seminary—a decision that fulfilled his mother’s fervent prayers.

On July 31, in a deeply moving ceremony, Archbishop John Wong of Kota Kinabalu ordained Nalerin as a priest at Sacred Heart Cathedral, his home parish in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Nalerin describes his journey to the priesthood in a single word: "gift." From the moment of his birth, he felt that God had bestowed upon him a gift that would shape his life in profound ways—a gift that called him to participate in God’s purpose, empowered him to carry it out, and transformed his life, all for the greater glory of God.

During one of his annual retreats, Nalerin had a vision that continues to inspire him: a vision of water trickling into a glass. As the glass filled, the water, once cloudy, became clear.

He realized that he had two choices: to let the water overflow or to set out additional glasses, allowing others to share in the abundance of God’s grace. Nalerin chose the latter, committing himself to share the spiritual wealth he had received.

The ordination ceremony was attended by family, friends, fellow Jesuits, parish clergy, and nuns, all gathered to witness the ordination of another native son of the parish, this time as a Jesuit priest.

Nalerin’s journey took him through various stages of formation: beginning his novitiate in Girisonta, Indonesia; studying philosophy in Jakarta and theology in Madrid, Spain; and completing his regency in Kuching.

After his ordination, he will serve as a pastoral caretaker at Sacred Heart Cathedral for one more month before returning to Madrid to complete his licentiate theology studies, focusing on Ignatian Spirituality, at Comillas Pontifical University.

The day after his ordination, Nalerin officiated his first Mass at the Church of the Holy Family in Terawi, the parish where his mother and sisters currently reside.

A joyous celebration followed at his mother’s home, featuring an abundance of local food, rice wine, and traditional cultural dances performed by a professional team, all in honor of this significant milestone.

Despite the grandeur of the celebration, Nalerin remains keenly aware of his own human limitations. Yet, he is filled with joy at the sight of the Risen Lord, who comforts him and invites him to join in His mission of consolation.

Driven by God’s love and a deep desire to serve, Nalerin trusts that God will continue to provide him with the grace necessary to fulfill his role as a Jesuit priest, just as He has guided him thus far.

Father Michael Modoit, the parish priest of Holy Nativity Church during the time Nalerin joined the seminary, recalls their first conversation about the priesthood.

“Some 23 years ago, Nalerin came to me expressing his desire to be a priest. It was his pure motivation,” Modoit says, his voice filled with pride and gratitude.

Father Modoit attended the ordination, reflecting on the journey that had led Nalerin to this day.

“Thank God Nalerin persevered in his journey to priesthood,” he said. “We pray for his service and ministry in the church.”

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