Women in Alojipan, a village in the mountainous section of Culasi town in Antique, weave strips of bariw into sleeping mats and sell them to supplement the income that their husband generates from growing crops and manual labors.
Father Phoung has an amazing zeal and capacity to motivate the local community to build from scratch and to trust in the providence of God, who takes care of His church.
One group in the Philippines has taken on this noble task of spreading devotion and contributing to the Church’s efforts of new evangelization through a more visual approach – the Kapatid Ecclesiastical Photographers.
“We urgently need financial assistance for daily expenses or we might be forced to stop sending students to school if we cannot pay our debts incurred for farm expenses. If possible, we wish the financial assistance to be given individually,” said Rondael.
Pura said, "Then a catechist asked me to teach catechism to students in an elementary school. I taught Grade 4 students. I told myself that this is my vocation. And until now, I carry on with this vocation."
“We became aware of the fact that we were without basic amenities like access to roads, safe drinking water, and building supplies,” Himatbhai Punabhai said.
The Sisters of the Good Samaritan and the recipients of their scholarship program have demonstrated that cooperation, resourcefulness, and determination could make a difference.
As food, water, and other basic needs get more and more difficult to find, the Custody of the Holy Land has started to rescue children trapped in the conflict and transport them abroad for safety and hospital care.
The Vatican elevated the Antipolo Cathedral to the status of an international shrine on January 26, 2024, making it the first of its kind in the nation and Southeast Asia after more than 400 years as a Catholic church.
“This started our life on the farm. It was not easy. We had no constitution to follow—only a common vision, not even a mission to talk about. Just to live the vows and farm," Sis. Emma M. Alday.
After more than a decade of helping students have their own means of transportation to school, he calls for prayers for his daughter Alexa, who is fighting leukemia.
The tower of a church that got destroyed and buried by volcanic eruptions is frequented by visitors in Albay, a province more than 400 kilometers southeast of Manila.