Women in Alojipan, a village in the mountainous section of Culasi town in Antique, weave strips of bariw into sleeping mats and sell them to supplement the income that their husband generates from growing crops and manual labors.
"It has been my dream to serve the kids, youth, elders, and native people by evangelizing Christ in any way I can, and that dream led me to become religious," Samantha Ashley Zaballero said.
Father Ulep urged the audience to contemplate the societal frameworks that enable the epidemic of poverty-related deaths and to embrace the discomfort they cause.
Sister Margaretha and other nuns discovered that many youngsters from motorbike taxi drivers, port workers, farmers, and fishermen lacked the necessary skills. They frequently have low self-esteem, lack confidence in society, and no income source.
"Catechism does not only support young people to approach the doctrine of the Catholic, but it also helps them how to live and grow in harmony with people in the community, “ Maria said
A group of volunteer devotees stages a community theatre musical play dubbed “Pater Dimitti Illis” (Father, forgive them) on Holy Wednesday, in the Philippines’ Mindoro island, a place known for its pious missionaries.