Women in Alojipan, a village in the mountainous section of Culasi town in Antique, weave strips of bariw into sleeping mats and sell them to supplement the income that their husband generates from growing crops and manual labors.
Sr. Joicy Joy, a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, uses her expertise on the legal system to safeguard and advance the rights of the powerless, especially indigenous people in India.
A Ramon Magsaysay Award laureate underlined the need for communities to be given access to the decision-making table, particularly those concerning the environment.
A community-based social enterprise dubbed “Tiangge ni Maria” (open market of Mary) of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing (OSB) in Tagaytay City in Cavite province has been serving both the poor and the rich with formandees at the forefront, according to Joni Gail Morales, one of the novices.
In the peaceful enclave of the Discalced Carmelite Monastery in Gilmore Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines, Sister Mary Paul Teresa of God’s Merciful Love finds her greatest joy in a life of prayer and simplicity.
In her lecture in Manila on November 13, Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong, a Vietnamese physician, recounted the horrifying impact of Agent Orange on the Vietnamese people.
A footpath Bangles seller’s daughter has become a model for the marginalized and economically backward people by becoming an OAS (Odisha Administrative Service) in the eastern Indian state of Odisha.
A parish in the Archdiocese of Bombay, western India, nurtures youth providing pastoral care that fosters their spiritual, emotional, and social growth.
As the only Catholic priest teaching at the public university, which serves around 50,000 students, Father De Rozario sees his role as both a teacher and a bridge-builder.
Oscar Ricaflanca, 82, is known for being enthusiastic and persistent in his advocacies for the elderly and Persons with Disability (PWDs) for their safety and convenience as passengers and discounts, among others.
Despite present-day challenges, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (ICM) is still strongly inclined towards supporting needy students in the country.
A lay minister known for his visual arts has taken on mentoring, especially young talents like an indigenous Mangyan youth, whose painting skills offer an alternative to environmentally harmful charcoal production.
Leoncia has been mothering her two children with disabilities: an 18-year-old bedridden daughter with a physical disability and a seven-year-old son with a visual disability.
When he was in Grade 6, Carl Abram L. Alcedo, in need for more pots to house his plants which is his hobby, ended up making his own, and has gone far now with terracotta and ceramics.
In the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, there is a Catholic priest, Kuriakose Vayalumkal, often known as Father Rajesh, who is widely known for his care for the destitute.
Lorenzo Ruiz was hung upside-down over a pit. He was physically abused to coerce him into giving up his faith. If he would renounce Christianity, the Japanese would spare him and set him free.
A Malaysian mother's steadfast faith in God guided her son to His purpose, which later enabled him to be a priest in the Society of Jesus' Singapore-Malaysia region.