During his General Audience, on January 8, Pope Francis dedicated his catechesis to the "scourge" of child labour, urging Christians to reject indifference toward the exploitation and suffering of children.
“Indonesian independence was not a gift from the colonialists, but the result of a long struggle involving all components of the nation, involving all ethnic groups and all religious adherents,” said Cardinal Suharyo.
In a press note on April 12, he said, “Pope Francis' official confirmation of the much-awaited visit to Timor-Leste fills the President of the Republic and all the people of Timor-Leste with joy.”
The Japan Bible Society (JBS) presented its latest ecumenical translation of the Bible to Pope Francis on April 10, 2024, during the general audience in the Vatican.
“We stand in the majesty of a structure that not only represents bricks and mortars but embodies UST’s rich history, values, and aspirations,” Fr. Richard Ang, O.P.
The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) at Saint Paul’s Bible College proudly hosted its convocation ceremony and CCBI Bible Creative Ministry Awards on April 12, 2024.
Pope Francis said that with the throwaway culture, there is "a less visible but extremely insidious factor that erodes the value of the disabled in the eyes of society and their own eyes."
Pope Francis will visit the Asian countries of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Singapore, as well as Papua New Guinea in Oceania, from September 2 to 13 this year.