Daily Reflection Path of True Greatness Reflection Date: September 22, 2024 Embracing God’s Wisdom in humble service, love, and peace
Daily Reflection A Call to Discern the Wisdom Reflection Date: September 18, 2024 Acceptance of God's message as our calling in welcoming the true wisdom from Jesus.
Daily Reflection Beware of Advertisements Reflection Date: November 16, 2023 We need God's wisdom to eliminate false marketing
Daily Reflection Wisdom in Weakness Reflection Date: August 4, 2023 God's wisdom resides in our human frailties.
Daily Reflection The Pursuit of God’s Wisdom Reflect, today, upon the long journey made by this queen in pursuit of the wisdom of Solomon. As you do, examine whether you exhibit the same zeal that she had and how devoted you are to the pursuit of the wisdom of God.
Caritas Asia explores ways to collaborate with Pax Romana—International Movement of Catholic Students