Myanmar Vincentians help the poor
The Mandalay Archdiocese's St. Vincent de Paul Society in Myanmar provided basic commodities to the needy on September 25.
The national council spiritual director of the Vincentian Society, Father John Soe Tint, said, "Helping the needy is not just a social deed but a spiritual one based on our faith."
He added, "It is to help those who are in difficulties according to Jesus’s teachings. I wish you could help the needy according to the motto: ‘St. Vincent, helping hands.’"
The Mandalay Vincentian Conference, celebrating the memorial of St. Vincent de Paul, distributed basic commodities to 28 families of St. John’s Parish in Mandalay.
The president of the national council of Vincentian Society in Myanmar, U Kyaw Min, described, "We have been able to provide things just because of the donors. I thank every one of you from here and abroad. "
"We will go on helping the people in need as much as we can," said the president of the Vincentian conference of St. John's Parish, Daw Theresa Sai Bu.
The poor received food and ten thousand kyats each (equivalent to 3.125 US dollars).
The association conducts activities like providing basic provisions, giving money for medical treatment, sending them to hospitals, renovating their houses, and paying for education fees for their children from time to time.
One of the members accepting the provision from the society said, "I thank our donors. We are given rice, cooking oil, and salt, which is a huge help for our family's expenses during this difficult time of high living costs. I also dedicate to St. Vincent de Paul and pray daily for the benefactors so that the blessings of God be upon them."
Another member from Aung Pin Le's quarter told RVA News that she thanked the Society for supporting the house rental fee so that her family could continue to stay.
The feast of St. Vincent de Paul falls on September 27.
He was born in 1581 and ordained at the age of 19. Turkish pirates arrested him while he was traveling on the sea. He was sold as a slave. After being released from slavery, he helped the poor with their difficulties till he died at the age of 79.
He is the patron of charities, horses, hospitals, leprosy, and lost articles. Pope Benedict XIII beatified him on August 13, 1729, in Rome, and Pope Clement XII canonized him on June 16, 1737, in Rome.
St. Vincent de Paul’s Society lasted for 189 years. There are more than 50,000 conferences in 153 countries with over 800,000 volunteers. Society is helping more than 30 million people who are in need all over the world.
In 1887, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul arrived in Myanmar at the invitation of the late Bishop Paul Ambroise Bigandet, then Vicar Apostolic of Southern Burma.
Nowadays, among 16 dioceses in Myanmar, there are 230 conferences in 12 dioceses. There are also 13 youth societies of St. Vincent de Paul in Myanmar.
The association registered the society as the "Helping Hands of Myanmar Foundation" with the government of Myanmar.
With the help of donors, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is carrying out different activities to help the needy as mentioned above. - Pinky Thiri Kyaw and Marcus Nyi Nyi Htun
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