Bangladesh’s Rajshahi diocese holds an Inter-Church Advent Retreat for youth

Rajshahi Diocese in Bangladesh held an Inter-Church advent retreat for the youth at Caritas Rajshahi Regional Centre, on December 15.
This advent retreat was organized by Diocesan Commission for Christian Unity and Interreligious Dialogue, in cooperation with World Vision Bangladesh and Caritas Rajshahi Region.
The main theme of the retreat was "Prepare the Way of the Lord Jesus Christ." Fifty youths from Rajshahi city especially those who are studying in different colleges and universities participated.
The main aim of the youth advent retreat was to impart moral and Spiritual formation for the youth in Christian values, so that they know the Catholic teachings and give faithful witness to the Church.
Bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshahi said, "The youth must make a self-evaluation. Each one must make a Comment that is turned away from a bad habit. That will be preparing the Lord's way."
Pastor Clarence of Bangladesh New Creation Church said, "Every time we commit sin, we crucify Jesus."
Sebastian Purification of World Vision Bangladesh appreciated the program very much and said, "That youth need to have this kind of retreat for the preparation for Christmas."
Father Patrick Gomes, Convener and Secretary of the Rajshahi Dialogue Commission said, "at the present time, what the youth need most is the formation of Morality and Spirituality. Youths are losing the sense of sin. So, we need to help them to grow up for a bright future."
"This is the goal of this Advent Retreat," said Father Gomes.
In this Advent retreat, Father Gomes conducted the penitential service. Father Michael Corraya said a prayer of God's forgiving love. Other Pastors accompanied in leading the program.
During the retreat there has been dramatization of the Annunciation and the dream of Saint Joseph performed by the Casa Gaea hostel girls and the college-going seminarians and the drama was directed by Sister Papya, SC.
The concluding part of the retreat was the singing of Christmas Carols (Bangla word: Kirton) in the open air.
- Nikhil Gomes
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