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Deepening understanding: Bangladesh hosts Synod and Synodality seminar

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh held a Synod and Synodality Seminar at CBCB Centre, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. (Photo: Ripon A. Tolentino)

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh held a Synod and Synodality Seminar for the Church in Bangladesh at CBCB Centre, Mohammadpur, Dhaka from June 27 to 29.

This seminar, themed "Synod and Synodality Seminar for the Church in Bangladesh," aimed to introduce and deepen the understanding of synodality at all levels of the Church in Bangladesh.

The seminar was led by Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Under Secretary of the Secretariat of the Synod, Vatican, and Father George Plathottam, SDB, Executive Secretary of the FABC-OSC.

Approximately 80 participants attended, including Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario, Archbishop Bejoy N. D’Cruze of Dhaka, and several bishops, priests, religious brothers and sisters, lay leaders, and heads of Catholic institutions.

In his opening remarks, Bishop Ponen Paul Kubi emphasized that the concept of a "Synodal Church" is deeply rooted in tradition, likening it to Jesus’ journey with his disciples on the road to Emmaus.

He stated, "Synodality is about walking together."

Archbishop D’Cruze highlighted the essence of the synodal process: living Christ's word, spreading his teachings, and providing Christian service.

He called for a Church that listens and embraces others, aiming to overcome internal conflicts and external influences through inclusivity inspired by Pope Francis's vision.

Father George Plathottam emphasized the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit to foster mutual respect and cooperation worldwide.

He underscored that synodality requires universal dialogue and respect for diverse cultures, envisioning a transformative change in the Church.

Sister Nathalie Becquart described synodality as a dynamic vision of the Church, likening it to the Holy Trinity's work throughout history.

She stressed that the synodal process is an ongoing journey, a "learning by doing" approach that reaches the hearts of all people.

Participants expressed their enthusiasm for the seminar. Mrs. Rita Roseline Costa said, "Synod and Synodality is a new awakening for our Church.

The Holy Father is opening a new door for us, and through this process, we can reach out to each other and listen attentively."

Another participant, Arpon Gomes, remarked, "This Synodality is a door of new possibilities and a place of hope that will strengthen the field of contribution to the Church for our youth."

The seminar underscored that the Synod on Synodality, convened by Pope Francis in 2021, represents a journey together of all God’s people, embodying Christ's values.

The term "synod" derives from the ancient Greek "syn-hodos," meaning journeying together. This tradition, revived by Pope Paul VI in 1965, has since seen 29 synods, including 15 ordinary synods and specialized ones on themes such as youth, family, and territorial matters.

The current Synod on Synodality, extending from 2021 to 2024, aims for broad participation across the Church, strengthening the universality and communion between Rome and local Churches.

The 16th Ordinary Synod continues the tradition of providing tangible support to the Pope in his ministry for the universal Church. 


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