Father Ajit Costa, (OMI), said, "We Christians are known by different names, but we are all followers of the same Christ. So, Jesus inspires everyone to concentrate on the path of following Christ."
"It's true that you'll encounter a lot of challenges, just like Jesus did, but you can't give up. Justice- and peace-loving people never support injustice and disturbance," said Bishop Gervas.
More than 530 youths from the eight dioceses of Bangladesh participated in the National Youth Day pilgrimage with the theme “Mary arose and went with Haste” (Luke 1:39).
"We offer our children for the work of God in His vineyard,” said Bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshahi in his homily during the feast day of the Presentation of the Lord celebration.
The activity carried the theme "Image of Christ in the Writer's Heart" and focused on youth involvement in the Church’s communication ministry, both in the traditional print platform and online.
In the annual seminar for priests of the Rajshahi diocese in Bangladesh,
Bishop Gervas Rozario told that Synodality is about “raising awareness among people on how we can journey together on the path of life."
An Inter-Church advent retreat for the youth was organized to impart moral and Spiritual formation for the Youth to be formed by the Christian values, know the Catholic teachings and give faithful witness to the Church.
Spiritual formation program for Youth Chaplains and Animators of Bangladesh on the theme "Spirituality of Youth Accompaniment: Winning and Guiding Young Hearts"
Caritas BARACA receives State Award on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26) in recognition of their services in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.
Bangladesh Church celebrated the Father of the Nation's birth centenary and the golden jubilee of the country's independence at Tejgaon Holy Rosary Church Community Center, Dhaka, on November 27.