A parish in the Diocese of Rajshahi celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes with devotion and prayer, marking the occasion with a solemn observance that included a pilgrimage, the lighting of candles, and the recitation of the Rosary.
"Now that the new Church is built, the word of God or Jesus will be preached to us; we will be told to listen to the Word and live according to it," said Bishop Rosario.
A youth coordinator in Bangladesh highlights the need for spiritual preparation before Christmas, involvement in service and the importance of building a beautiful life.
The Family Rosary Ministry Team of Bangladesh’s Rajshahi diocese organized a one-day seminar on the Holy Rosary at St. Paul’s church in the parish of Katadanga last week.
The Diocese of Rajshahi in Bangladesh celebrated "Consecrated Life Day" at the bishop’s residence last week with the theme “We are Dedicated and Responsible Stewards.”
The Diocese of Rajshahi in Bangladesh held an ecumenical prayer service at the City Church of Rajshahi to mark the beginning of the observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January 18.
The Diocese of Rajshahi in Bangladesh held its 18th diocesan pastoral assembly on September 11 and 12 with the theme “We are the Responsible Stewards.”
The Diocese of Rajshahi, through Caritas, was able to provide help to poor households in the region that are most affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Diocese of Rajshahi in Bangladesh has offered 24 Masses round the clock starting March 28 to pray for an end to the spread of the new coronavirus disease.