In his Message for Lent 2025, Pope Francis invites the faithful to “journey together in hope”, urging them to embrace the Lenten season as a time for conversion and spiritual renewal.
In keeping with the mood of the day, the universal drabness of the ‘no-blooms’ period is momentarily broken with the temporary return of flowers around the Altar—a further reminder of the Spring of Easter soon to come!
Cardinal Sebastian noted that these acts of penance are also being done by other non-Catholic Asians, especially Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims, bringing about a unique sense of spiritual unity within the region.
Pope Francis, in his Lenten message 2018 says, by devoting more time to prayer, we enable our hearts to root out our secret lies and forms of self-deception, and then find the consolation God offers.
Cardinal Bo stated that a change of attitude is required in our approach towards the challenges we face. He offered the word L.E.N.T as an acronym for this attitudinal change:
Pope Francis called Lent and the Synod on Synodality a 'strenuous mountain trek.' “The Lenten journey of penance and the journey of the Synod alike have as their goal a transfiguration, both personal and ecclesial,” Pope emphasized.
Reflection Date: February 22, 2023
Lent literally means, ‘spring,’ the season to sow seeds of good thoughts and actions - the season to return to the ways of God, from which we have strayed.
The ‘Stations of the Cross’ is one of Catholicism’s most identifiable Lenten traditions. It marks Christ’s final journey to Calvary in fulfilling his Father’s will.