Bangladesh: Rajshahi diocese arranges awareness seminar for Justice and Peace

Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace of the Rajshahi in Bangladesh arranged two days' seminar for work on Justice and Peace at Caritas Rajshahi region from March 9 to 10.
Church leaders in the diocese joined together in the seminar to work for Justice and Peace in the Country.
The seminar was attended by 30 members of the five desks of Human Rights, Child Protection, Immigration, Prisons Ministry, and Climate Desk under the Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese.
It was also held to build a common understanding by exchanging views and experiences and to find ways to ensure and established peace and justice in society.
In his welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar, Father Sagor Corraya, convener of the Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Rajshahi, mentioned that the members of the Justice and Peace Commission will learn more about their duties and responsibilities through this seminar.
The theme of this seminar was "Learn to do good, seek justice; rule the tyrant."
Bishop Gervas Rozario, President of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace, urged the members of the Justice and Peace Commission to work for the establishment of justice and peace like Jesus Christ, saying that you are contributing greatly to the establishment of justice and peace in the parish and society in addition to your personal engagement.
"It's true that you'll encounter a lot of challenges, just like Jesus did, but you can't give up. Justice- and peace-loving people never support injustice and disturbance," said Bishop Gervas.
Justice and Peace Commission Secretary, Holy Cross Father Liton H. Gomes, elaborated on the goals of the commission: "To create awareness of social issues, Christian solutions and the need for unified planning among us and how we work together for established peace and justice in our society".
He also suggested, "ways to aid victims of injustice and oppression and presented the ideas and activities of the Catholic community in establishing justice and peace."
The Vicar General of the diocese, Father Fabian Marandy encouraged the members to work for the establishment of justice and peace in the diocese, Parish, community, and village.
Kakali Rozario, a participant, and member of the child protection desk promised to strive in accordance with the synodality of Holy Father Francis to uphold justice and peace in the social sphere and to ensure the protection of children.
The event was attended by Bishop Gervas Rozario, The Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the bishops' conference of Bangladesh, Vicar General of the diocese, Father Fabian Marandy, Father Sagor Corraya, convener of the Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Rajshahi, Nuns, Church leaders from Rajshahi diocese. - Nikhil Gomes
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