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India: New Carmelite priest ordained in Karwar Diocese 

Bishop Duming Dias, Bishop of the Diocese of Karwar ordained Fr. Siltan Noronha at St. Anthony’s Church, Mundkani Honavar.

Bishop Duming Dias of the Diocese of Karwar ordained a Carmelite deacon, Siltan Noronha OCD, to the priesthood during the Eucharistic celebrations at St. Anthony's Church, Mundkani, Honavar. 

Fr. Silvestre D'Souza OCD, Provincial of Karnataka-Goa Province of the Order of Discalced Carmelites; Fr. Melvin D'Cunha OCD, Superior of St. Joseph Monastery, Mangalore; other Carmelites; and about 60 diocesan and religious priests attended the Eucharistic celebration, which Bishop Dias presided over.

Reflecting on the significance of priesthood, the bishop emphasized, "God sends a priest to proclaim the Gospel, sanctify his people, and continue the mission of mercy, being a man of God and the Church."

He explained the essence of the priesthood by emphasizing how God calls, anoints, and commissions a priest for a divine purpose.

"Just as God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption, Jesus entrusts this servant to perpetuate His mission through the priesthood ministry," said Bishop Dias.

Emphasizing the priest's role as a proclaimer of the Gospel, the prelate stressed that the primary task of priests is to proclaim the Gospel. He explained that since the foundation of the Christian life is faith, which is the fruit of the Word of God, proclaiming the Gospel holds supreme importance.

Fr. D'Souza thanked the bishop for honoring his invitation and recalled the longstanding relationship between the Diocese of Karwar and the Carmelites. He extended his congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to Fr. Siltan's parents.

Father Siltan Noronha, the second child of Philip and Rozin Noronha, has two sisters and a brother. After completing the tenth grade at Arogyamata High School, he joined the Order of Discalced Carmelites by entering the initiation program in Mapusa in 2011.

He completed his postulancy program at the Carmelite Monastery in Margao, Goa, followed by his novitiate in Kushalnagar and philosophy studies at Pushpashrama College of Philosophy in Mysore. Siltan attained a Bachelor of Theology degree from St. Joseph Interdiocesan Seminary in Mangalore.

He acquired pastoral and community experience at St. Michael's Church in Belur and fulfilled his diaconate ministry at the Provincial Novitiate House.


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