Holy Father embraces AI's benefits for humanity, urges mitigation of its risks

Pope Francis, speaking on Saturday at the international convention on 'Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Technocratic Paradigm' organized by the Vatican's Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice, welcomed the benefits of AI, according to Vatican News.
His comments came over a week after addressing the G7 Session in Bari, Italy, on AI. "I appreciate that Centesimus Annus has given ample space to this subject, involving scholars and experts from different countries and disciplines to analyze the opportunities and risks related to AI development and use," said the Holy Father.
He urged participants to consider a fundamental question: "Does AI serve to satisfy the needs of humanity, to improve the well-being and integral development of people? Or does it, rather, serve to enrich and increase the already high power of a few technological giants despite the dangers to humanity?"
Pope Francis emphasized the importance of using AI to promote human dignity.
"We must not miss the opportunity to think and act in a new way, with mind, heart, and hands, to direct innovation toward a configuration centered on the primacy of human dignity.
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