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Daily Reflection



  • Childlike Faith

    Reflect, today, upon whether you find yourself spending excessive time thinking about the mysteries of life only to be left confused.
  • “My Lord and My God!”

    It’s easy to be critical of St. Thomas for his lack of belief reflected in his statement above. But before you allow yourself to think poorly of him, think about how you would have responded.
  • Courage to Seek Forgiveness

    Reflect, today, upon how courageous you are in asking God for forgiveness and how humbly you are willing to acknowledge your sin. Making an act of humility like this is one of the most important things you can do.
  • Deliver Us From the Evil One

    Reflect, today, if you are willing to face the “consequences,” so to speak, of confronting the kingdom of the evil one with the Kingdom of God. Are you willing to do what it takes to stand strong in a culture that is continually deteriorating?