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Daily Reflection



  • I Desire Mercy

    Reflect, today, upon how you look at God’s commands and His law. Do you see it as a legalistic and burdensome requirement? Or do you see it as a blessing of God’s mercy meant to lighten your load?
  • Laying Down Your Burdens

    Reflect, today, upon that gentle invitation from Jesus: “Come to me.” Come to Him without fear and without hesitation. Turn everything over to Him and let Him sort things out.
  • Being Childlike

    Reflect, today, upon how ready and willing you are to turn to God for the simple and clear answers to life’s most difficult questions.
  • It’s Time to Repent!

    Reflect, today, on whether or not you need a rebuke from Jesus. If you do, let this Gospel of love sink in. Reflect also upon your responsibility in correcting the faults of others