There are moments in our lives as well when we have to suffer all alone, abandoned by both friends and foes. In such moments, our faith in God is also put to a severe test. In our suffering, we may also cry out like Jesus.
These words of Jesus have offered many a way of meeting death in peace. Once again, the first of the followers of Jesus on this path was the martyr Stephen.
It is by the blood of the Paschal Lamb hung on the Cross that man’s innate thirst for liberation – the exodus from death to life, sin to grace, slavery to freedom – is quenched.
let us recognize Jesus as the true King of our life, personal and social, human and cosmic – just as people eventually accepted David as the King of North/Israel and South/Judah (2 Samuel 5) – accept our human fragility with a repentant heart and always ask His forgiveness.
“The Holy Father intends to carry out a project with humanitarian purposes in Gaza or the West Bank, which can help the population resume a more dignified life and create job opportunities once the war is over,” Cardinal Gugerotti, said.
Reflection Date: April 15, 2022
May we indeed be aware and understand the value of obedience and love and be able to live and practice them in life because their fruit can bring salvation.
A Catholic politician in India requested Tamil Nadu State Government to close liquor shops on Good Friday. But social media called the idea “unnecessary,” and “ a bad idea” whereas the Indian National Congress party termed it “crazy.”
A group of children read the meditations, stopping 14 times around the St. Peter’s Square to mark each of the “Stations of the Cross,” starting with the first when Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate to the last when he was buried in a tomb.
On this Good Friday, as you gaze upon the crucifixion of Jesus and reflect upon His brutal agony and His earthly death, try to look beyond His human suffering to His perfect surrender.
Ponder today, this dark day, the final words of Jesus. Scripture records seven last statements, or the “Seven Last Words.” Take each phrase and spend time with it. Seek the deeper spiritual meaning for your life.