“We stand in the majesty of a structure that not only represents bricks and mortars but embodies UST’s rich history, values, and aspirations,” Fr. Richard Ang, O.P.
Michael de Sanctis lived a life of prayer and mortification. He was devoted to the Holy Eucharist, and is said to have been experienced ecstasies many times during Consecration.
Pope Francis said that with the throwaway culture, there is "a less visible but extremely insidious factor that erodes the value of the disabled in the eyes of society and their own eyes."
Pope Francis will visit the Asian countries of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Singapore, as well as Papua New Guinea in Oceania, from September 2 to 13 this year.
"Without justice, the law of the prevalence of the strong over the weak is entrenched. The righteous person is upright, simple and straightforward, does not wear masks and speaks the truth," said the Holy Father.