Values' significance in familial relationships

December 31, Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Daily Reading: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Colossians 3:12-21 or 3:12-17; Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
Today's readings center on the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and through that lens, we consider the importance of virtues and values that should characterize all family relationships.
The Genesis reading depicts Abraham's faith. Because he trusted God, he was able to become the father of many nations. The reading from St. Paul's letter to the Colossians highlights characteristics that should distinguish family members and their relationships with one another.
The Gospel chapter provides insight into Mary and Joseph's household values. They show that love for God leads to a good family life. Mary and Joseph complied with God's request. They were people who believed in God. God benefited them because they were willing to do God's will.
However, such a blessing did not imply a carefree, easy life. They had to deal with the issue of Mary's pregnancy apart from Joseph. This included traveling a long distance while Mary was due to give birth, facing forecasts of people being at odds because of Mary's child, and having to leave their homeland and travel to Egypt to avoid Herod's murderous acts toward the child.
The readings call us to consider the importance of values in family relationships. God calls families to reflect on their love relationship with Him as an Abba-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit family.
What we celebrate and remember today is the value of relationships in families. Jesus encourages us to actively work on our relationships with other members of our immediate family, the human family, and the family to which we belong as members of God's family.
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