The cleansing of the temple

November 19, Friday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
Daily Readings: 1 Maccabees 4: 36-37, 52-59 & Luke 19: 45 – 48
Jesus drove out those who were selling things.
Jesus is willing to do whatever is demanded by the honhonore to His Father. Hence, He drives out the sellers from the temple that has been turned into a den of thieves by the business conducted there. But then, after having made a scene, He teaches every day in the temple area.
The book of Ecclesiastes says that there is an appointed time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3: 1). Jesus can be severe and angry when needed and He can be peaceful when teaching. But the response to His actions and His teaching by the Priests, scribes, and the leaders of the people is the same: to do away with Him. Nothing He does can touch them anymore.
Let our prayer be: Jesus, whether you deal with me toughly or gently, let me be receptive to your words and actions. Suffice it to come from you to be acceptable to me.
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