Prison Ministry of India appeals Government to restructure prisons for prisoners’ reformation

The thirteenth national convention of the Prison Ministry of India (PMI), held at St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Old Goa, appealed Government to reform the prisons in such a that incarceration must give every opportunity for prisoners to accept their own guilt and acknowledge the need for repentance and reformation.
The appeal was made in a mission statement “Prisoners’ Reformation and Reintegration” issued by PMI after the convention.
About 450 delegates of the National organization participated in the convention held from November 15-18 which discussed the reformation of prisons and prisoners.
Its 8000 volunteers regularly visit 1300 prisons in India and extend to them opportunities for release, reformation, and reintegration. PMI has more than 20 rehabilitation centres for released prisoners and homes for prisoners’ children.
PMI was born from the spiritual conversation between two seminarians, Varghese Karippery and Francis Kodiyan of St Thomas Ap. Seminary, Kottayam, who started “Jesus Fraternity’ in 1981. Soon other seminarians joined they began to visit Medical Colleges, Mental Hospitals, slums, orphanages, Juvenile Homes, and jails.
In 1986, they undertook an All-Kerala Prison Pilgrimage from Kottayam Sub Jail. They visited all the prisons of Kerala and decided to serve the prisoners in an organized way.
The Kerala Catholic Bishop’s Conference (KCBC) recognized Jesus Fraternity on 8th September 1989 under its peace, justice and development commission and provided a permanent office in POC (Pastoral Orientation Centre), and Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS was appointed as the first office staff.
On 24th August 2000, Prison Ministry India was officially recognized by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), with Father Varghese Karippery as the first national coordinator.
Prison Ministry India, the biggest national Non-Governmental Organization in this field, under the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India.
Kickstarting preparations for the Golden Jubilee of the organization, the convention has, after three days of deliberations and discussions, issued a statement entitled “Prisoners’ Reformation and Reintegration.” It contains appeals to the Government as well as Catholic Church to contribute their share for the integral reform and development of the prisoners.

Prisoners’ Reformation and Reintegration
Mission Statement of the thirteenth national convention of the Prison Ministry of India gathered at St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Old Goa, from November 15-18, 2022.
Prison Ministry India
Prison Ministry India, a registered charitable society (ER 375/95), is a national Catholic spiritual movement for the integral human development of prisoners and works under the Justice, Peace and Development Commission of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. Since its conception in 1981 at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, Kerala, PMI has been serving the brethren behind bars by reaching out, releasing, reforming, rehabilitating, reintegrating, and redeeming them. PMI has more than 20 rehabilitation centres for released prisoners and homes for prisoners’ children. Its 8000 volunteers regularly visit 1300 prisons in India and extend to them opportunities for release, reformation, and reintegration.
PMI has various programs for the integral human development of prisoners such as prisoner releasing schemes, employment and housing scheme for released and reformed prisoners, scholarships and shelters for prisoners’ children and marriage and family settlement schemes.
During the last 41 years of serving the brethren behind bars, we have encountered and experienced various problems and challenges faced by prisoners such as overcrowding, corruption, unhealthy living conditions, staff shortage and inadequate training, prolonged detention of undertrial prisoners, unsatisfactory living conditions, indifferent and inhuman approaches of prison staff, inadequate prison programs, poor budget for health and care for prisoners, insufficient legal aid and so on.
Appeal to Government
The Prison shall be a home of awakening and enlightenment of the inmates so that they may be able to lead a pleasant life after their release. Incarceration must give every opportunity for prisoners to accept their own guilt and acknowledge their need for repentance and reformation.
It is the duty of the concerned government agencies to make sure that prisoners enjoy the following fundamental and basic human rights: Right to Religious Assistance, Right to Psychological Assistance, Right to Legal Assistance, Right to Moral Assistance, Right to Education, Right to Leisure, Recreation and Cultural Activities, Right to Vote, right not to be tortured, and right to work and earn Money.
Prisoners in India face the following serious problems which are to be remedied immediately: Overcrowding, Corruption, Unsatisfactory Living Conditions, Delay in Trial, Neglect of Health and Hygiene, and a large percentage of Under-trials.
Prison Ministry India recommends Government to do immediate action on the following areas: Frequent Jail Visits by Spouses and Family Members, Classification of Prisoners, Adequate and Qualified Prison Staff, Scientific, systematic and Regular Training of Prison Staff, Accountability of Prison Staff, Alternatives to Imprisonment, Efficient Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Prisoners, Abolition of Capital Punishment, Smaller Prisons, Frequent Parole, Special Consideration to Women Prisoners Especially the Pregnant and those Mothers with Children, Educational Facilities to Prisoners’ Children, Impartial Judges and Judgements, More Open Air Prisons, and Adequate Arrangements for the Reformation of Prisoners.
Appeal to the Catholic Church
As Pope Francis stated a true social re-insertion begins by guaranteeing opportunities for development, education, worthy jobs, and access to health care, as well as generating public areas of citizen participation. If these brothers and sisters have already paid for the evil committed, why is a new social punishment put on their shoulders by rejection and indifference?
As a response to Pope Francis’ request for true social re-insertion, PMI diocesan coordinators are invited to launch many more schemes for released prisoners such as employment, housing, healthcare, marriage, shelter homes and homes for prisoners’ children.
Pope Benedict XVI in Sacramentum Caritatis exhorts Catholics on the significance of taking care of prisoners: “The Church’s spiritual tradition, basing itself on Christ's own words (cf. Mt 25:36), has designated the visiting of prisoners as one of the corporal works of mercy. Taking up the recommendation of the Synod, I ask Dioceses to do whatever is possible to ensure that sufficient pastoral resources are invested in the spiritual care of prisoners” (Sacramentum Caritatis 59).
Anchoring on Sacramentum caritatis Prison Ministry India appeal to bishops and diocesan coordinators to take care of the integral human development of prisoners by providing them opportunities for education, employment and shelter.

Appeal to PMI Volunteers
Prison Ministry India is in preparation for its golden jubilee celebrations. As part of the golden jubilee celebrations, we shall pledge to strive hard to implement the following golden jubilee dreams.
The Reawakening
Every year PMI convenes retreats for our volunteers to reawaken and to recommit ourselves for the integral human development of the incarcerated. These spiritually enlightening retreats are to be continued in the coming years.
PMI Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet
We shall continue the spiritual reawakening of PMI volunteers on every first Saturday from 06.00 to 08.00PM by convening online Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet. You are welcome to join and be flamed and inflamed.
Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the Incarcerated
To spread the PMI spiritual fragrance worldwide and to sanctify prisoners worldwide, PMI launched the Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the Incarcerated. Thereby we extended our ministry to the whole world by interceding 24 hours of the day, 7 days of the week and 365 days of the year for the renewal and redemption of prisoners worldwide. Please join the zoom link and offer your half an hour of prayer in reparation for the sins of prisoners.
Homes for Prisoners’ Children
Being inspired by PMI patron St Maximillian Kolbe we shall launch 10 more homes for prisoners’ children like Kolbe Home, Bangalore.
5000 Scholarships for Prisoners’ Children
We shall extend distant educational scholarships to 5000 children of prisoners.
500 Prisoners’ Release
We shall assist legally and financially the release of 500 prisoners.
50 New Books
We shall strive our best to publish 50 more books on prison ministry in the next decade.
50 Special Task Forces
PMI shall establish 50 special Task Forces and each STF will have 50 prayer warriors and will have a 50 days program with 50 Holy Masses, 50 hours of Eucharistic adoration and so on. You are welcome to join in one of these STFs.
50 Houses for Released Prisoners
As part of PMI Golden Jubilee, we shall construct 50 houses for the released and reformed prisoners. We offer Rs 3 lakhs to a family and the rest have to be raised by them from other sources.
500 Jobs for Released Prisoners
As part of the Golden Jubilee Celebration, PMI has introduced an employment scheme for released and reformed prisoners. PMI will provide Rs 3 lakhs each for a small-scale industry or to purchase an autorickshaw etc.
PMI Legal Clinics
PMI shall introduce legal clinics in almost all states and dioceses. These legal clinics will provide free legal aid to prisoners.
PMI Rehabilitation Centers
PMI shall launch 10 more rehabilitation centers for released men and women prisoners.
Homes for the Human Trafficked
PMI shall launch 10 more homes for the human trafficked girls and boys.
Provision for 5000 Prisoners’ Families
PMI shall provide provisions for 5000 prisoners’ families.
Medical Care for 5000 Prisoners’ Families
PMI shall provide medical care for 5000 prisoners’ families.
5000 PMI Volunteers
PMI shall promote 5000 volunteers from all over India, especially from those states from where we have fewer volunteers.
The above-mentioned recommendations and proposals are carved out of the 41 years of prison ministry experience in almost all the states and Union Territories of India. The Catholic Church in India expects that the respective prison departments would consider them seriously and make necessary amendments in the course of time. We are sure that these recommendations would be able to radically transform not only prisoners but also the prison atmosphere and would be able to achieve the greatest goal of the prison system which is prisoners’ reformation and rehabilitation. Let us resolve to improve our prison system by introducing new systems of management and by educating the prison staff about our constitutional obligations towards prisoners. Let the dawning ray of hope see the end of the gloom cast on the faces of the majority of prisoners and let a new awakening percolate every prison wall.
“I was in prison you visited me” (Mt 25.36)
Prison Ministry India, 52 Thomas Layout, Sarjapur Road, Carmelaram PO, Bangalore - 560035 , Karnataka. Tel.: 948 660 4887/944 77 10 488,;
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