Malaysian Archdiocese conducts three-day Divine Lenten Healing Retreat

The Archdiocese of Kuching organized a three-Day Divine Lenten Healing Retreat as a preparation for the Lenten season at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Center (CEWC) from February 24 to 26. 2023.
The theme was: “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Rev. 21:5)
Archbishop Simon Peter Poh Hoon Seng of Kuching Archdiocese blessed the retreatants and their families and encouraged them, “Listen to the Lord. When we listen, he is very close to us.”
Father Michael Payyapilly VC, of the Divine Retreat Center, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Father Joseph Kannampally VC, the Regional Superior of the Andhra Region of Vincentians, conducted the retreat.

Father Michael has given retreats in 50 cities. He became the pioneer of the Divine-Potta ministry in Australia in 2013 and became Director of the Vincentian Ministries in Melbourne, and Tabor Divine Retreat Center, Mumbai.
Fr Michael invited all the retreatants, “Offer ourselves to the Lord” as a three-day purification in the 40 days of preparation for Lent.
Father Michael began the Retreat with one directive to focus on one intention and offer it to Jesus during every session of the retreat.
Throughout the three days of retreat, Father Michael and Father Joseph preached the Word of God by using their own stories to emphasize the need to understand our relationship with Jesus and His relationship with them.

Father Joseph Kannampally, the Director of several Divine Retreat Center in Andhra Pradesh have preached in India and the Gulf countries.
Father Joseph highlighted that ‘unforgiveness’ is the greatest sin (Colossians 3:13). When praying, they will be in union with God by believing in the Word of God (Joshua 3:5).
Father Joseph added, “Sanctify yourself today, the Lord will do wonders in your life tomorrow,” to expect God’s graces upon them.
Many retreatants recounted their stories of greater insight into the Word of God, relinquishing “the sin of unforgiveness” and being powerfully impacted by the Holy Spirit.
Witnesses described how a prayer for healing was answered, faith was restored, and the understanding that a life of fruitfulness is more important than a life of success.
Over 700 participants took part in this three-day retreat. Praise and Worship sections, Mass, Exposition, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and inputs sessions are included during these three days. - With inputs from today'sCATHOLIC
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