Myanmar: Mandalay Archdiocese celebrates Heart Foundation Day
Mandalay Archdiocese celebrated the 8th anniversary of "The Heart Foundation" day and honored its founder, the late Archbishop Paul Zinghtung Grawng at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Mandalay, July 23.
The late archbishop founded ‘The Heart Foundation’ on the Sacred Heart Feast day in 2014.
The late Archbishop suffered from heart disease and intended to help heart patients with financial difficulty with the treatments.
He contributed funds to start the foundation and died in 2020.
In the homily, Father Dominic Jyo Du highlighted, "For any human being the heart is very important and as long as they have a sacred heart, everything will be sacred, but if one has a tainted spirit, all the other things will also become ruined."
After the mass, the concelebrant priests blessed the patients with heart disease. Six patients were provided with some medicines according to their conditions. The foundation finds donors for the patients who need operations.
Daw Mary (name changed), the mother of the child born with a hole in the heart told RVA, "My son suffered from fatigued inhalation due to the hole in the heart. The foundation helped my son with the operation and my child can breathe well now."
A 73-year-old retired teacher who has heart disease and financial problems with medicines said that she could survive because of the help of the Heart Foundation.
Ms. Myint Myint Win from Chan Thar village had heart failure disease since she was born. She said, "Heart foundation not only helps me with the expenses for the operation but also continues supporting the medicine."
Father John Soe Tint is the president of the Foundation and Father Augustine Win Myint is in charge to carry out duties and help the members of the foundation.
To support medicines to the patients, they collect monthly contribution for the fund in every parish of Mandalay Archdiocese.
Pinky / RVA Myanmar and translated by Marcus Nyi Nyi Htun
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