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Malaysian prelate on Sarawak Day: ‘Bring love to society’

Archbishop Simon Poh of Kuching

Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh urged Malaysians to uphold values that unite the human race, transcending differences in nationality, race, or belief.

His call to "bring love to society" and avoid contributing to global conflicts was delivered during the Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Christian Ecumenical Center in Jalan Stampin on July 18, as part of the Sarawak Day celebrations.

Sarawak Day, observed annually on July 22, commemorates the State of Sarawak’s independence from British rule.

Addressing representatives from various Christian denominations, Archbishop Poh emphasized the importance of harmony and unity as foundational principles.

“We are all human race. We can have different colors, beliefs, [and] cultures, but we are one. That is the very foundation that we can all share: [to] live together in harmony,” he said.

The prelate noted that the teachings of Jesus about love is found in all Christian theologies and even other religions.

“They will know we are Christians by our love,” he explained. “We do this in love. Let's love God and our neighbor… Let's love tenderly, act justly, [and] walk humbly with our God.”

Archbishop Poh pointed out how pride and selfishness lead to human exploitation, destruction of nature, and excessive love for material wealth.

Therefore, he invited everyone to find reconciliation with God, emulate His mercifulness, and strive not to add more violence in the world.

“We turn away from sin. After receiving mercy and love from God, knowing that we ourselves are sinners [who] need God's blessing and forgiveness… then let us be the peacemaker,” he said.

Furthermore, the prelate reminded his fellow Malaysians to maintain their integrity at all times and come together to build a better nation.

“As Christians… and as people who desire the good for Sarawak… we're invited to live our life in [the] right relationship before God and before one another,” said Archbishop Poh.

“Wherever we are… we are church [and] political leaders. Let us do the right thing before our God,” he also said.

The Ecumenical Prayer Service was organized by the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS)

This year’s service was hosted by the Roman Catholic Church.

Among those present was ACS Chairman Datuk Danal Jute, Anglican bishop of Sarawak and Brunei, who imparted a benediction at the closing of the event.

Meanwhile, the Bible readings were read by leaders of different Christian churches in Bahasa Malaysia, Iban, Mandarin, and Bidayuh Jagoi.


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