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90 years of compassion: The Handmaids of Christ mark a milestone in India

Sisters of Handmaids of Christ with Bishop Simiao Fernandes. (Photo: Supplied)

On September 19, 2024, the Congregation of the Handmaids of Christ celebrated a significant milestone—their 90th anniversary—at the Mother House in Calangute.

The event was marked by a solemn Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Bishop Simião P. Fernandes, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

He was joined by Fr. Nazareth Fernandes SFX, Superior General of the Society of Pilar, and Fr. Polly Lobo, Parish Priest of St. Alex Church, Calangute, as concelebrants.

In his homily, Bishop Simião invited the congregation to reflect on the blessings bestowed upon them throughout their journey. He introduced the theme of the “3 R’s” for the occasion: Recount, Renew, and Revisit.

The first, Recount, emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring the contributions of the pioneering sisters who have shaped the Congregation’s legacy.

Bishop Simião urged the faithful to Renew their vision, adapting to the challenges and demands of the present time while staying rooted in their mission. The final R, Revisit, called on the congregation to reflect on their mission with a hopeful outlook towards the future.

Drawing a parallel between Monsignor Herculano’s visionary leadership and the goals of the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025, Bishop Simião highlighted the call to serve the marginalized.

He reminded the faithful that Monsignor Herculano’s commitment to aiding the neglected and the poor continues to resonate, especially in today’s world.

Mother General Sr. Faria Barretto HC expressed deep gratitude to God, framing the anniversary as not only a reflection on past achievements but as a renewed commitment to a compassionate and hopeful future.

She reaffirmed the Congregation’s mission to embody Christ’s love and serve as a beacon of hope for all. The liturgical singing was led by Herculano’s Choir, further enhancing the solemnity of the celebration.

The day was filled with heartfelt tributes, including a warm welcome for Bishop Simião, who was greeted with music from the Little Flower of Jesus High School band.

Sr. Faria, along with the sisters, presented him with tokens of appreciation, including a shawl, a flower vase, and a grotto of Our Lady. The celebration continued with a prayer dance performed by novices and formees, while children from St. Alex Orphanage presented a musical operetta depicting Monsignor Herculano’s life and legacy.

The performance highlighted the enduring impact of his vision. Nysha Pereira, along with other sisters, led by Sr. Dorothy D'Souza HC, presented felicitation songs, adding to the spirit of gratitude and celebration. Sr. Justina Vaz HC, General Councilor, anchored the event.

Monsignor Herculano Gonsalves, a Goa diocesan priest from Benaulim, founded the first Indigenous Congregation in 1934, driven by a profound vision of embodying Christ’s love through compassionate service.

His mission focused on supporting the destitute, orphaned, and less privileged, especially women and children in distress. Today, the Congregation of the Handmaids of Christ remains dedicated to this mission, with 137 professed members and 21 communities in Goa, along with 11 communities extending beyond Goa’s borders.

As the Congregation celebrates this 90th anniversary, they also look ahead to the 75th anniversary of their canonical establishment on September 24, 1949.

This milestone not only honors the rich history of the Congregation but serves as a renewed call to action, inspiring its members to continue their mission of compassion in today’s ever-changing world.

With Monsignor Herculano’s vision guiding them, the Handmaids of Christ remain steadfast in their commitment to uplifting the marginalized and serving with love, ensuring that their legacy of faith and service endures for generations to come.


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