The 2025 Pontifical Yearbook and Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2023, released by the Vatican’s Central Office of Church Statistics, provide fresh insights into the Catholic Church's presence across Asia.
Bishop Matthew Kukah told Bola Tinubu, the recently elected president of Nigeria, that "neither God nor history will forgive you if you fail" and that "you have no excuses before God or the people of Nigeria."
“We feel the concern expressed by Pope Francis in his latest exhortation, Laudate Deum (2023), that ‘the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point’ (LD 2), but we are not doing enough to care for our common home,” said NGO VIVAT International.
During Boko Haram's insurgency in 2009, which aimed to transform the country into an Islamic state, there has been insecurity among priests and all Christians in Nigeria.
Pope Francis met Andry Nirina Rajoelina, the Catholic President of Madagascar, along with Mialy Razakandisa his wife, his sons Arena and Ilonstoa, and a daughter, Ilona on August 17, 2023.
Bishop Martin said in a statement released on the day of the kidnapping, “I ask for your prayers for Father Paul Sanogo and the seminarian Melchior who were kidnapped by bandits in the early morning of August 3 at the priest’s residence in Gyedna, Niger state."
“I opened my eyes and I could see perfectly,” said Jimena, a 16-year-old Spanish World Youth Day pilgrim, during her interview with the ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner
The Holy See Press Office said, “The results of these talks, such as those with religious representatives, as well as the direct experience of the atrocious suffering of the Ukrainian people as a result of the ongoing war, will be brought to the Holy Father’s attention.”
"In this difficult time for Caritas Internationalis, together with the new vice president, new secretary general, and new treasurer, we will look forward to creating a better Caritas in the next four years. said the Divine Word Archbishop Kikuchi of Tokyo.
"We believe in Christ as our peace and proclaim Him with mercy during the fragility of our world," said Bishop Gabriel Mestre of Mar del Plata at the opening of the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF).
On Good Friday, April 7, 2023, Muslim gunmen attacked an elementary school building in the village of Ngban that houses approximately 100 displaced Christian farmers and their families and killed dozens.
"The tragedy occurred around 9 pm on 29 March, when our brother was passing near the checkpoint set up by the military police," a Missionary of Africa representative in Rome said.
The Vatican’s embassy office in the capital of Nicaragua, Managua, was closed and Monsignor Marcel Mbaye Diouf, chargé d'affaires, moved to Costa Rica on March 17.
“During the night of March 12-13, the door and some of the walls of the facade of the Church of the Sacred Heart were painted with satanic phrases," Press statement.
God appointed the new archbishop to be the spiritual father who sanctifies souls via the sacraments of salvation and encourages everyone in prayer and fasting, according to Al-Kabalan.
Father Winder Morales from Granada Diocese told the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa, that “The Stations of the Cross that we traditionally do on Fridays of Lent can only make its way around the cathedral.”
Archbishop José H. Gomez said, "Bishop David was a peacemaker with a heart for the poor and the immigrants, and he had a passion for building a community where the sanctity and dignity of every human life were honored and protected.”