Daily Reflection You Matter Reflection Date: November 7, 2024 ‘You matter,’ so hold your chin up high.
Daily Reflection Values caught or taught? Reflection date: July 26, 2023 Keep the values, practice them, and nourish them.
Daily Reflection Herod is tormented by his past deeds Reflection Date: September 23, 2021 John the Baptist was a man of conviction, courage, and justice who condemned immoral lives.
Daily Reflection Love, Mercy, Goodness, Forgiveness Reflection Date: September 9, 2021 Jesus is the perfect model of love. He showed the greatness of His love by dying on the cross, forgiving His executioners
Daily Reflection Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees Reflection Date: August 25, 2021 You are like whitewashed tombs.
Daily Reflection The Call of Nathanael Reflection Date: August 24, 2021 Jesus is the point at which the prayers of people and the grace of God meet.
Caritas Asia explores ways to collaborate with Pax Romana—International Movement of Catholic Students