The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar (CBCM) has called for an urgent cessation of hostilities between the forces of the military junta and the guerillas and allow the free passage of aid for the victims of the 7.7
magnitude earthquake that shook the country on March 28.
After dioceses throughout the world suspended public Masses amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Congregation for Divine Worship has updated its decree on Holy Week liturgies.
Twenty-four countries on Wednesday were consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Fatima, Portugal.
Catholic bishops in the Philippines said church facilities, including schools and seminaries, may be converted into field hospitals if the health crisis in the country worsens.
Cardinal Konrad Krajewski’s visit to the Daughters of St. Camillus in the Alban Hills and to the Congregation of the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul in a Roman suburb was to bring Pope Francis’ closeness and affection to the religious, some of whom have tested positive to the new coronavirus.
At least two dioceses in Bangladesh have already started holding online religious services for those who are unable to go to church amid the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease.
Cardinal Raymond Burke has written a letter encouraging priests and bishops to work constructively with civil authorities to meet the spiritual needs of Catholics during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has sent separate messages to Pope Francis and Italian President Sergio Mattarella to expresses solidarity with the country that is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic.
Bishop John Hsane Hgyi of the Diocese of Pathein in Myanmar led the blessing of the St. Peter’s Cathedral compound with the Blessed Sacrament on March 22, Fourth Sunday of Lent.
Pope Francis has asked Christians around the world to unite in praying the Our Father prayer at noon on March 25 in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Pope Francis announced Sunday that he will give an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing this week with the opportunity for Catholics to receive a plenary indulgence by tuning in via media.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has declared the fourth week of March as a “National Week of Prayer” to unite Filipinos amid the threat of the new coronavirus.
As more Catholics around the world find themselves unable to receive the Eucharist due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis provided an example of a spiritual communion prayer that can be said from home.
The Vatican department for liturgy published guidelines Friday for bishops and priests on the celebration of Holy Week, the Triduum, and Easter liturgies during the coronavirus pandemic.
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, has said that the coronavirus pandemic may justify the use of general absolution, in extraordinary circumstances, for Catholics unable to go to individual confession.
The pontifical science academies issued a health statement Friday encouraging world leaders to make adjustments to short- and long-term responses to the coronavirus.