The Christian Cooperative Credit Union Ltd., Dhaka and in collaboration with the Women's Affairs Sub-Committee jointly organized International Women's Day at Dhaka Credit on March 8.
The Vatican department for liturgy published guidelines Friday for bishops and priests on the celebration of Holy Week, the Triduum, and Easter liturgies during the coronavirus pandemic.
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, has said that the coronavirus pandemic may justify the use of general absolution, in extraordinary circumstances, for Catholics unable to go to individual confession.
The pontifical science academies issued a health statement Friday encouraging world leaders to make adjustments to short- and long-term responses to the coronavirus.
Bishop John Hsane Hgyi of the Diocese of Pathein in Myanmar celebrated his 38th priestly anniversary on March 8 at Pyinkadoe Chaung, his village in the parish of Kyaitlatt.
Pope Francis has called on Catholics around the world to join in the "24 Hours for the Lord," an initiative organized by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelization.
In the land-locked valley of India’s frontier region of Kashmir, where the prospect of violence looms large due to hostilities between India and Pakistan, people are leaning on their faith to deal with a novel threat — the new coronavirus pandemic.
Women religious around the world have called for a "Day of Worldwide Solidarity and Prayer" on Sunday, 22 March, to express closeness to those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
While many are stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis says that there are many small acts of love and kindness one can do for others without leaving the house.
Pope Francis has offered his prayers to the elderly, who are not only disproportionately susceptible to the new coronavirus, but also potentially suffering from loneliness.
During a time when millions worldwide are facing isolation on account of the new coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis used his morning Mass on March 16 to offer comfort to the afflicted.
The social action arm of the Philippines’ Catholic bishops’ conference has urged dioceses across the country to set up “kindness stations” in poor communities affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
At least ten priests have died in Italy after contracting COVID-19. More than half of them were from the Diocese of Bergamo, a town outside of Milan in Lombardy.
There will be no public celebrations of Mass in Manila for seven days starting Saturday, March 14, following the reported increase in the number of people infected by the new coronavirus in the Philippine capital.