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Daily Reflection

  • The Other Side

    Reflection Date: December 22, 2024
    Like Elizabeth, may we see every blessing as a gift, not something we are entitled to, but a grace from God.



  • Holding On to Jesus

    Reflect, today, upon your own clinging to Jesus. He is now fully resurrected and ascended and we can experience the full fruits of the Resurrection as a result. We, with Mary, can now hold on to Him in our souls because He is primarily the one holding on to us.
  • Overjoyed at the Resurrection!

    Reflect, today, upon the awesome event of the Resurrection and spend time this week in this humble adoration. Try to literally bow down to the ground in homage before the Resurrected Christ. Try to do this literally.
  • The Lord has Risen! Alleluia!

    Reflect, today, upon the unfathomable plan that God has for your life. Know that if you remain faithful until the end, our Lord will bring forth greater joys in your life than you could ever think possible.