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Daily Reflection

  • The Other Side

    Reflection Date: December 22, 2024
    Like Elizabeth, may we see every blessing as a gift, not something we are entitled to, but a grace from God.



  • Fishing for Souls with Jesus

    Reflect, today, upon this command our Lord gave to the Apostles and hear Him speak this same command to you, calling you to “fish for souls” in accord with His holy will. Let the Lord speak to you this week and let yourself be open to His direction. God wants to use you, so make sure you let Him!
  • Incredulous with Joy!

    Reflect, today, upon your own reaction to the reality of the Resurrection of our Lord. Spend some time today gazing upon the Risen Lord. Look at His victory. Look at His glory. Look at Him who calls you to a deep faith.
  • Recognizing Jesus in Your Daily Life

    Too often we think that our Lord is present only in extraordinary ways. But that is not true! He is constantly present to us in very ordinary ways. He is here with us right now, loving us, speaking to us, and calling us to love Him.