Responding to the Call of God to Follow Him

October 18, Tuesday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time
Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist
2Timothy 4:10-17 & Luke 10:1-9
Today, the world judges success by looking at the size of your followers, the amount of data, or substantial bank balances. But Jesus reminds us of the need to know that for him and his disciples, success is found in the 'smallness’ of his kingdom. Today’s gospel speaks of the rich and plentiful harvest and the few laborers.
This passage is often used to remind Christ’s followers of the need to generously respond to God’s call to follow him, to dedicate their lives to becoming priests, religious, people committed to his mission, or those who support them. The rich harvest includes the many people who eagerly wait to hear the good news of the Lord, the people who need to be fed and nourished by God’s Word and the Sacraments, and the people who need the compassion and mercy of God.
As Jesus sends his disciples two by two on a mission, he also reminds them to be entirely focused on proclaiming the kingdom of God, on bringing his peace, healing, and blessings. His disciples are to have the courage to stand up firmly and confront the many dangers they may have to face in carrying out their mission. He asks them to comply with the minimum material requirements and trust God’s providence.
God continues to call men and women from every land and community to follow him. Besides responding to the call with a resolute ‘yes’, we must pray for more vocations, so that the Church can continue to become the sacrament of salvation for all people.
Each one of us can be a vocation promoter by helping young people discern their call and by encouraging parents to help their children respond to God’s call. We can also help to foster good families, which are the cradles of vocation. As Jesus tells us, we need to pray for our vocation constantly. We can also extend financial and material support to help those preparing for the priesthood, religious life, and lay ministries.
At the World Youth Day in Denver some years ago, Pope John Paul II appealed to the youth: “My dear young people, if Jesus calls you to follow him, do not be afraid to say ‘yes’. Respond to him with ‘yes’. These words inspired many young people to become priests, religious or lay ministers. The Lord is inviting us today to do our part: pray, encourage, and support vocations.
Let us promise the Lord that we will do our best to foster vocations.
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.