God of Hope

December 24, Friday of the Fourth Week of Advent
Daily Readings: 2 Samuel 17:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16, & Luke 1:67-79
"All of us need to grow in Christ. Living the Gospel should increase our desire for this growth so that we can say wholeheartedly that Christ lives in us". Pope Francis
As we move into Christmas Eve, we are reminded in the 2nd Book of Samuel, of God's Covenant with his people and in the Gospel, we have the Canticle of Zechariah proclaiming the coming of the Lord who like the "dawn from on high", will dispel the darkness of sin and death.
The Lord placed David on the throne of Israel, but the king felt it was not right that he should dwell in a palace, while the Ark of God's holy Presence remained housed in a tent. David was motivated in his heart to build a House for the Lord and he shared his plan with Nathan, a prophet of God, who at first encouraged David to pursue his intention. However, the Lord instructed Nathan to go to David with a message that revealed God's greater plan. David, the simple shepherd boy who tended his father's sheep and protected them from danger, was chosen to become Israel's greatest king through whom would be born the promised Messiah. More than a descendant of David, "Emmanuel" will be a new David. "A shoot shall sprout from the root of Jesse and the glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth". (Isaiah 11:1)
The Gospel from Luke continues with Zechariah who after regaining his speech was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke this prophecy- a song of praise manifesting his faith in the birth of John. During his months of silence, Zechariah came to realize that the child, his son, was the one who would prepare the way for the Lord. He came to understand the child's prophetic role in the salvation of the world. He saw his son as the "dawn from on high" which was to announce the rising Sun- the Messiah, who would dispel all darkness and sin and enter into a new relationship with his people. Zechariah in his months of silent suffering was open to the Lord who enabled him to say this prayer of praise that is recited or sung daily by Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious and lay people throughout the world as part of Morning Prayer of the Church- known as Lauds. Zechariah truly fulfilled his call from God by remaining faithful.
Zechariah could easily have lost hope and felt abandoned by God but he waited patiently and because of his patient waiting, he was able to praise God in the words of the Canticle.
- Reflect, today, upon how God wants you to imitate the faith and faithfulness of Zechariah.
- We too, may have had experiences when we felt abandoned by God, especially during the pandemic.
- Reflect on how God is with you and continues to bring you into a deeper relationship with him through his tender mercy and love.
- Today, spend a few moments in prayer and like Zechariah, thank God for his loving presence with you as he seeks like, "the dawn from on high", to come more fully into your life this Christmas.
You promised to make David's household great among the nations. Then you sent your son, Jesus, to transform this world so that all people experience your loving kindness. Show us how to live as your children, as sisters and brothers in your Kingdom. May Your grace be at work in us and may we, like Zechariah, sing forever the glory of Your holy name.
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