Do I inspire others by my words and example to follow God’s call?

October 19, Wednesday 29th Week in Ordinary Time
St. Isaac Jogues/John de Brebeuf, Priest & Martyr
Daily Readings: Ephesians 3:2-12 & Luke 12:39-48
Countries spend millions of dollars preparing for the defense of their territories. The cost of being vigilant is high. In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to be prepared, vigilant, and ready for the Son of Man to come at an hour we do not expect. The Lord also reminds us to be good stewards of the treasures he has entrusted to us.
Jesus presents two kinds of stewards: the first one is wise and faithful to his master, faithful to the tasks entrusted to him. He will be happy if the Master finds him doing his duty on his return. The Lord says he will receive his reward for his faithfulness.
The second kind of steward is the unfaithful one, who acts arbitrarily since he senses his Master is delayed in coming. So, he lives an indulgent and pleasure-seeking life, eating, drinking, and enjoying himself. At the same time, he goes about abusing and beating the servants in his charge—people whom he is bound to look after. The master will come at a time when he does not expect, cut him off, and send him to the fate of the unfaithful.
Dear brothers and sisters, our life on earth is short. We do not know the length of our life or the time of our death when we have to encounter our Master. All we can do is live a life of preparedness to welcome the Lord at that moment.
Even as we live in this world, we are called to live God-centered lives. We have to avoid being a law unto ourselves. Instead, we are invited to do our duties and responsibilities with a spirit of docility. After all, we are all stewards of God’s richness. There is nothing on this earth that we can claim to be our own. Everything we enjoy comes as a gift from God, which should help us become humble and obedient. We are the Lord’s stewards and ought to be faithful, responsible, and judicious.
Everyone is called to exercise leadership in one way or another, be it in our families, society, country, or church. And this means we ought to exercise our roles and discharge our duties in the true spirit of our Master, the Good Shepherd. Leadership is not a free pass to do whatever we want; it is not an opportunity to pursue our interests or dominate and dictate to others. We will be happy and blessed to be caught doing good when Jesus comes.
Do I attend responsibly to the essential things in my daily life?
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