New Marian Grotto blessed in Myanmar

Sacrament of Confirmation, the blessing of Marian Grotto, and marriage anniversary held in Myanmar.
The Sacrament of Confirmation, a blessing of the Marian Grotto, and the 50th marriage anniversary were celebrated as one event in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Kyaik Lat in the Diocese of Pathein, Myanmar on May 8.
The Diocesan Administrator Father Henry Eikhein administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 68 children during the Mass.
In his homily, Father Eikhlein said, “These children are the future of the parish and the diocese.”
He asked, “Can anyone who is now at the age of 50 or 60, dare to think to be still alive in 2050?”
“Practically no one among us, but these children of age 10s now will certainly live and build the future of the present 21st Century,” the priest said.
After the Mass, the Diocesan Administrator blessed a newly built the Marian grotto, named Mary, Queen of Peace, donated by a Catholic couple from the same parish and constructed under the management of a Buddhist monk, a friend of the parish priest.

Then followed the 50th marriage anniversary of George Mahn Khin Kha aged 76 and Sylvia Daw Myat Khin aged 75.
“We thank God for allowing us to live until the 50 years of marriage life. We are grateful to priests, religious Brothers, Sisters, and laypeople for coming amidst the heavy rain this evening. Our thanks go to the donors who make this event happen,” said George.

One of the children, Aye Thandar Cho who received the Sacrament of Confirmation said, “I am happy for receiving the Sacrament.”
Cho added, “I am grateful to the parish priest and the Diocesan Administrator.”
At the end of the ceremony, the parish priest Father Zuzel thanked the donors of the Marian grotto.
“It has been over two years of my dream to build this grotto. When I arrived at this parish, I saw a small grotto that looked like a bush or an ant-hill,” said the parish priest.
“In my thought, for being a parish center, we should have a new big grotto. Now, we see it in front of us. We thank Francis Shwe Maung and Zabina San Oo for their generous donations for building this new grotto,” Father Zuzel said.
He thanked the Diocesan Administrator, priests, nuns, and people for coming under the rains.
Around 500 parishioners participated in the event.
“I am glad for receiving a new Marian grotto in our parish. For this, I am grateful to God, donors, and parish priest,” said Nant Shwe Zin Oo, a lady parishioner. - With reporting by Mahn Jim, RVA Pwo Kareen
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