‘May the elected Bishop be a trustworthy Men-Catcher,’ says Indonesian Bishop

Bishop Vitus Rubianto Solichin, SX of Padang, hoped that the chosen Bishop of Tanjung Karang diocese would become a trustworthy fisherman for humans.
Bishop Solichin delivered this sermon during the noble Vesper service at the Maria Ratu Damai Church in Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung, on April 30, 2023, proceeding with the ordination of Bishop Vincent Setiawan Triatmojo.
The prelate compared Bishop Triatmojo’s ordination motto, "In Verbo Tuo Laxabo Rete" (Luke 5:5), to the parable of the Apostle Peter, the fisherman on the Sea of Galilee, who fails to catch a single fish despite spending the entire night searching for a mission due to Jesus's Word.
He also hoped that the newly elected bishop's ministry would open the hearts of many to the good news of God's mercy and that he would become what Pope Francis wishes for a "uomo della vicinanza" who is "full of closeness to the priest and his people."
During this reverent Vespers service, the newly elected Bishop professed faith and swore allegiance to the sacred throne, represented by Mgr. Pierro Pioppo, Vatican Ambassador to Indonesia.
Following the confession of faith, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, Bishop Yohanes Harun Yuwono, Bishop Yan Matopai You, and Bishop Vitus Rubianto Solichin, SX, were present as official witnesses with the Apostolic Nuncio and the newly elected bishop.
In addition to presiding over the confession of faith, Bishop Solichin blessed the Insigniae with spiritual equipment that the new bishop would use, including a ring, crosier, pectoral cross, miter, and other items.
Thirty Bishops, priests, religious, and many faithful who have prayed for a new bishop in every service and eucharist for the past year and held a triduum before the ordination for success, the smooth running of the ordination program, and prayer for the elected bishop's ministry attended the glorious Vesper.
The ceremonies for the ordination of the new bishop of Tanjungkarang, led by Bishop Archbishop Yohanes Harun Yuwono of Palembang, took place at Ratu Damai Church in Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung on May 1.
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