Philippines’ Archdiocese holds pastoral workshop on synodality

The office of the Archbishop in the Archdiocese of Lipa, in a circular addressed to the clergy, religious and lay faithful, invited a pastoral workshop on synodality and pastoral visit 2024 to be held from February 29 to March 2.
“As a humble contribution to the Second Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2024, and as part of our ongoing preparation for the Pastoral Visit 2024, we will hold a Parish Workshop on Synodality and Pastoral Visit 2024,” said Archbishop Gilbert Garcera, D.D.
"We are in the Synod!" This has been a constant reminder of Pope Francis and the General Secretariat of the Synod to all local Churches. Since 2021, we have been in a process of continuing dialogue in both the local and universal levels of the Catholic Church,” he said.
The Synthesis Report from the First Session of the Synod in October 2023 is a significant fruit of this ongoing process. It summarizes the experiences and insights from all over the world shared throughout the preceding phases of the Synod.
“Now, we are all called to respond to this collective discernment and to once again contribute to the further enrichment and maturation of the Church's synodal reflections,” said Garcera.
“In the Archdiocese, we too are engaged in our special process of dialogue through the Pastoral Visit 2024. This Parish Workshop will serve as an avenue to evaluate the discussions we have had in parishes in preparation for this visit and to resolve any lingering difficulties about the process. It is also an opportunity for the Pastoral Visit Secretariat to give an orientation on the details and flow of the actual visit itself,” said Garcera.
The grouping, venue, and date of the workshop, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., are as follows: Vicariates I to V at the Archdiocesan Shrine and parish of St. Raphael the Archangel Parish, Calaca, on Feb. 29.
Vicariates VI to X at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Sto. Niño ng Batangan and Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Batangas City, on March 1.
Vicariates XI-XVI at LAFORCE, Marawoy, Lipa City, on March 2.
For their delegates, all parishes were requested to send the Parish Priest, PPC Coordinator, one Youth Leader; the Principal of every Catholic School Principal, and one representative from each religious congregation (if these are present in the area) until Feb. 19.
The host parish or commission will take charge of the registration and the collection of fees. As solidarity shares, parishes will shoulder their delegates' registration fees.
“Let us pray that we become a more synodal Church through the intercession of Our Lady of Caysasay, our Queen and Mother, and St. Joseph, the patron saint of our Archdiocese,” said the circular. MTV
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