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CRI-Goa hosts insightful study weekend in preparation for Jubilee 2025

Fr. Joaquim, presiding over the Eucharistic celebration.(Photo supplied)

The Conference of Religious India (CRI) Goa unit hosted a pivotal study weekend on August 24-25, 2024, at the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre in Old Goa.

This event, integral to the preparations for Jubilee 2025, provided a comprehensive exploration of the Second Vatican Council's Constitutions, bringing together religious leaders and participants for a deep dive into key Church documents that will shape the forthcoming Jubilee celebrations.

Fr. Joaquim Fernandes, SVD, Episcopal Vicar for Religious, inaugurated the program in the presence of notable figures including Sr. Flory Rodrigues, FMCK, President of CRI-Goa; Fr. Henry Falcão, Director of St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre; Sr. Luiza Fernandes, MSP, Mother General of the Missionary Society of Our Lady of Pilar; Sr. Faria Barretto, HC, Mother General of the Congregation of the Handmaids of Christ; and Fr. Eugene D’Souza, Vice President of CRI-Goa.

The weekend featured enriching sessions led by distinguished resource persons. Fr. Candido Fernandes, Director of the Pastoral Institute, examined Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy).

Fr. Henry Falcão provided insights into Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church). Fr. Mariano D’Costa, Director of the Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate, delved into Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation).

Finally, Fr. Maverick Fernandes, Director of Caritas-Goa, unpacked Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World).

Fr. Eugene D’Silva, Vice President of CRI-Goa and Convenor of the Program, warmly welcomed the gathering, while Fr. Henry Falcão, representing the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, briefed participants on the Centre's facilities.

The event commenced with a prayer dance by students of St. Anthony High School, Guirim, adding a touch of spiritual grace to the opening ceremony.

Throughout the weekend, participants engaged in profound spiritual conversations, guided by thought-provoking questions from the resource persons.

These reflections were shared during the valedictory function, facilitated by Fr. Henry Falcão.

A highlight of the closing ceremony was a skit on the four Vatican documents, performed by seminarians from the Redemptorists and Dominicans, accompanied by a specially prepared video.

Participants also had the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist at the Miraculous Cross Chapel, presided over by Fr. Joaquim Fernandes, SVD.

The event was expertly anchored by Fr. Michael Fernandes, SVD, and Fr. Gabriel Fernandes, OFM Cap., with the latter introducing all four resource persons. Sr. Flory Rodrigues, FMCK, expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt vote of thanks.

The two-day event saw the participation of 150 religious, including formees serving in Goa, all of whom expressed deep appreciation for CRI-Goa's efforts in organizing such a valuable and insightful program.

With a renewed understanding of these foundational Church documents, the religious community in Goa is now well-equipped to approach the upcoming Jubilee celebrations with a strengthened sense of purpose and unity.

Looking ahead, CRI-Goa remains committed to fostering spiritual growth and reflection.

Upcoming events include deanery-wise Focus on Prayer days in September and a grand Eucharistic celebration planned for May 1, 2025, during which a special souvenir will be unveiled.

The success of this study weekend not only underscores the dedication to deepening the understanding of Church teachings but also sets a vibrant and hopeful tone for the Jubilee 2025 preparations.


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