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Archbishop Linus Neli of Imphal requests Pope's prayers for Manipur amid ongoing ethnic conflict

Archbishop Linus Neli of Imphal meets Pope Francis on September 21, 2024. (Photo: Supplied)

Archbishop Linus Neli of Imphal has made a heartfelt appeal to Pope Francis, urging him to pray for peace and reconciliation in the conflict-ridden state of Manipur, northeastern India.

The archbishop requested an audience with the Pope on September 21, 2024, as part of his participation in a formation course for newly appointed bishops organized by the Dicastery for Evangelization in Rome.

In a social media message following his meeting with the Holy Father, Archbishop Neli expressed his deep concern for the people of Manipur, calling for divine intervention to heal the wounds of the ongoing ethnic strife that has devastated the region.

“It is difficult, yet forgiveness and love for enemies are the only ways forward, as our Divine Savior Christ taught us on the cross at Calvary,” he shared, emphasizing the need for peace through reconciliation.

The archbishop conveyed to Pope Francis the dire situation in Manipur, where violent clashes between ethnic groups have claimed more than 220 lives and left over 1,000 injured since the conflict began on May 3, 2023.

The violence erupted following a ‘Solidarity March’ organized by the All Tribal Students Union of Manipur (ATSUM) in protest against the demand to include the Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category.

The unrest has displaced over 60,000 people, forcing them into temporary shelters, with many facing harsh living conditions. Additionally, more than 7,000 homes have been destroyed, and 380 churches and other religious structures have been vandalized.

Archbishop Neli, who assumed leadership of the Catholic Church in Manipur on December 8, 2023, at St. John Bosco Parish in Maram Khunou, has faced the immense challenge of guiding his community through one of the most tumultuous periods in recent history.

His appeal for the Pope’s prayers underscores the urgent need for healing, unity, and forgiveness among the people of Manipur.

The archbishop also called on Catholics worldwide to dedicate their prayers to the region during the month of October, which is traditionally observed as the Month of the Rosary.

“Holy Father Pope Francis sends greetings and imparts his Apostolic blessings to all the people in Manipur, especially our young women and men,” he conveyed, offering words of hope and encouragement.

As the conflict continues to weigh heavily on the state, Archbishop Neli’s plea for peace serves as a reminder of the Church’s commitment to fostering reconciliation and rebuilding fractured communities.

The archbishop remains steadfast in his belief that through prayer and the example of Christ’s love, the people of Manipur can find a path toward lasting harmony.


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