Pope Francis renews appeal to safeguard the unborn, reject abortion

Pope Francis continues his “firm but calm appeal” to safeguard the unborn and reject the horrific procedure of abortion.
In the preface he has written in a newly published book, “The Miracle of Life,” the pontiff calls readers to return to the beauty of the unborn life “as the holder of the highest right that belongs to everyone that of existing.”
“I invite everyone around the world to reflect on the reality of abortion not only from the basis of one or another faith or thought tradition, but also with the qualified contribution of science,” said the pope.
“I renew my appeal to all those who, faced with unborn life, do not stop and do not give in to a tragic and definitive solution, such as abortion, but feel they can offer the unborn child and the mother the help of a society that is finally dedicated to defending the dignity of all, starting with the most vulnerable,” the pope added.
The book, authored by Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori, scientist Gabriele Semprebon, and author Luca Crippa, invites readers to “return to the wonder of being born” and offers an in-depth discussion about the subject of life without any ideological barriers.
One of the book’s central themes is a scientist’s input from his active involvement in mixed bioethics committees, where he joined in dialogues with doctors and lay scientists.
According to Pope Francis: “He has taken up my invitation to return to the theme of abortion by 'listening' to the voice of the embryo, questioning us about his or her nature, his or her singularity, on how he or she faces every threat that stands between him or herself and their existence, guided by processes that nature has fine-tuned over the millennia of evolution.”
Furthermore, the Pope expressed his concern for the damaging “throwaway culture” and strongly encouraged the Church to get rid of it once and for all, not just for the unborn, but also “in every area and at every stage of existence.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion” since the first century. CCC also states, "Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” (No. 2271).
Read the entirety of Pope Francis’ preface for The Miracle of Life here, translated from the original Italian.- Luke Godoy
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