Reflection Date: October 6, 2023
Woe to us if the words of God that we hear constantly and the mighty works of God that we witness in our lives have not led us to conversion.
Reflection Date: May 6, 2023
“Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”
Shereen delivers Jesus to others through her work as a breath coach. By combining scientific practices and her deep love for God, she was able to provide courses that bring stillness while being guided by the Holy Spirit.
Reflection Date: March 04, 2023
In every human interaction I am given the opportunity to behold the image of God, the divine essence, both in me and in the person before me.
Reflection Date: February 22, 2023
Lent literally means, ‘spring,’ the season to sow seeds of good thoughts and actions - the season to return to the ways of God, from which we have strayed.
Union Minister of Minorities John Barla strongly refuted allegations of conversion by Christian groups. “After so much contribution, there is no respect. Why are there allegations that we convert people? No, we don’t convert people,” he said.
Fr. Joseph Amudakani, a priest belonging to the Catholic Diocese of Jhabua was arrested based on the false allegation of conversion on 18th January at Thandla, Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh.