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Saint Rose of Lima: The flower of the Americas and her path of Divine Love (1586 – 1617)

Saint Rose of Lima

On August 23, the Church commemorates the feast of Saint Rose of Lima, a remarkable saint whose life was marked by profound devotion and extraordinary penance.

Born on April 20, 1586, in Lima, Peru, Rose was the daughter of Spanish-descended parents and grew up during the early years of evangelization in South America.

From a young age, Rose was drawn to a life of deep spirituality, inspired by Saint Catherine of Siena. Despite facing disapproval from her parents and mockery from friends, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of holiness.

Rose was known for her extreme practices of mortification, a common trait among many saints of her time.

While such acts may seem extreme or even irrational to some, they were rooted in a fervent desire to express an intense love for God.

Rose, who was often praised for her beauty, took drastic measures to avoid vanity. She would rub pepper on her face, causing unsightly blotches, and wore a thick silver circlet adorned with spikes on the inside, resembling a crown of thorns.

These acts of self-denial were her way of aligning herself with Christ's suffering.

Her days were spent in hard work, tending to the garden, and sewing, while her nights were dedicated to prayer and penance.

When her parents attempted to force her into marriage, Rose resisted for ten years, choosing instead to live a life of seclusion and penance at home. As a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic, she continued her devotion in the confines of her home, emulating Christ in her solitude.

In her final years, Rose’s deep compassion led her to establish a small chamber in her house where she cared for the sick, elderly, and destitute children. This humble act marked the beginning of organized social services in Peru.

Despite her seclusion, her austere lifestyle did not escape the attention of the Inquisition, who ultimately concluded that her actions were driven by divine grace.

Rose’s life was a testament to her extraordinary love for God, which sustained her through long bouts of illness, intense temptation, and the ridicule of others. Her unwavering faith and devotion were evident even in her final moments.

When she passed away at the age of 31 on August 24, 1617, the entire city of Lima came out to honor her at her burial.

Saint Rose of Lima is revered as the patroness of the Americas, Latin America, the Philippines, Peru, South America, and florists. Her life exemplifies the transcendent spirituality and love for God that drove her to prioritize the divine over the material world.

Though not everyone is called to such extreme penances, her example reminds us that all are capable of expressing and experiencing God’s love in their lives. By following Christ’s teachings and principles, we can contribute to making the world a better place for all.


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