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Feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá: celebrating a life of holiness in everyday life

St. Josemaría Escrivá

On June 26, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá, a Spanish priest and saint.

Born in Barbastro, Spain, on January 9, 1902, he was ordained a priest on March 28, 1925, in Zaragoza, Spain.

St. Josemaría founded Opus Dei ("Work of God" in Latin) on October 2, 1928. This Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church encourages Christians to seek holiness in everyday situations and the sanctification of work.

Opus Dei emphasizes that everyone is called to strive for holiness in their daily life, regardless of their vocation or profession.

He passed away in Rome on June 26, 1975, after a final, loving glance at a portrait of Our Lady in his workspace. On October 6, 2002, Pope John Paul II canonized him as a saint in Rome.

St. Josemaría taught that "A man's life lived by faith will always be the story of God's mercies." He acknowledged that while life may sometimes seem pointless or unsuccessful, there are moments when God reveals the abundant fruits of one's efforts, filling the soul with gratitude.

He dedicated his life to spreading the message that sanctity is not reserved for a privileged few but is a universal call. God calls each of us to be holy in our daily lives, no matter our stage in life, job, or personal circumstances.

Every path on earth can lead to an encounter with Christ, and our routine daily lives can be a route to holiness. Seeking God does not require abandoning one's place in the world.

Here are some inspiring quotes from St. Josemaría that can guide us in our search for God and sanctification in daily life:

  • “Abandonment to the will of God is the secret of happiness on earth.” – The Way, No. 766
  • “God always wins. If you are his instrument, you too will win, because you will fight God’s battles.” – The Forge, No. 989
  • “God is counting on you.” – The Forge, No. 507
  • “If you have done something wrong, be it big or small, go running back to God!” – The Forge, No. 172
  • “Put all your hope in Jesus. You have nothing, are worth nothing, and can do nothing. He will act if only you abandon yourself in him.” – Friends of God, No. 205
  • “Do everything for love." – The Way, No. 813

As we reflect on the life of St. Josemaría Escrivá, let us seek sanctity in our daily work and lives, trusting in God’s providence, mercy, and love.


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