The Return of Christ

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” Luke 21:27-28
Only three days left in this current liturgical year. Sunday begins Advent and a new liturgical year! Therefore, as we move closer to the end of this current liturgical year, we continue to turn our eyes to the last and glorious things to come. Specifically, today we are presented with the glorious return of Jesus “coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” What’s most interesting and helpful in this particular passage above is the call we are given to enter into His glorious return with our heads raised with much hope and confidence.
This is an important image to ponder. Try to imagine Jesus returning in all His splendor and glory. Try to imagine Him coming in the most awe-inspiring and magnificent of ways. The entire sky would be transformed as the angels of Heaven surround our Lord. All earthly powers would suddenly be taken over by Jesus. Every eye would be turned to Christ and everyone, whether they want to or not, would bow down before the glorious presence of the King of all Kings!
This reality will take place. It’s just a matter of time. Jesus will, indeed, return and all will be made new. The question is this: Will you be ready? Will this day take you by surprise? If it were to happen today, what would your reaction be? Would you be fearful and suddenly realize you should have repented of certain sins? Would you immediately have certain regrets as you realize it is now too late to change your life in the way our Lord desires? Or will you be one of those who stands erect with your head raised as you joyfully and confidently rejoice in the glorious return of our Lord?
Reflect, today, upon how prepared you are for Jesus’ glorious return. We are called to be ready at every moment. Being prepared means we are living fully in His grace and mercy and are living in accord with His perfect will. If His return were at this moment, how prepared would you be?
Lord, may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. Please do come, Jesus, and establish Your glorious Kingdom in my life here and now. And as Your Kingdom is established in my life, help me to be prepared for Your glorious and total return at the end of the ages. Jesus, I trust in You.
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.