For Whom Are You an Example?

October 10, Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Daily Readings: Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 10:38-42
The Bible is full of I unlikely heroes. We see one of these in today’s first reading: the king of Nineveh. While he ruled a powerful kingdom, he did not know the Lord. That makes it all the more surprising that he took the prophet Jonah’s words seriously. Even more, he took decisive action, proclaiming a fast and a period of national repentance. A good leader, he called his people to conversion and protected them from the punishment that the Lord had planned.
Who are the unlikely heroes who have come into your life, challenging you to live in accord with God’s will? These people may not be believers themselves, but they witness to God in the integrity of their lives and their example of loving service. For whom are you an example? Who is watching you to learn how to live as a faithful disciple? How can you become a better witness?
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.