We are God’s most beloved treasures

June 18, Sunday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time
Daily Readings: Exodus 19:2-6a; Rome. 5:6-11; Gospel: Matthew. 9:36 - 10:8
The Israelites experienced God's love and kindness on their pilgrimage from Egypt to the Promised Land. At that time, they passed through the desert region of Rephidim and arrived in the desert of Sinai. They encamped in front of Mount Sinai. As their leader, Moses went up to Mount Sinai to meet God. This becomes an opportunity for God to reveal Himself. He reminded them of the act of salvation that He had done for them, for example, by removing them from the power of the Egyptians. God supported the Israelites on eagle's wings and brought them to Himself.
God demanded loyalty from the Israelites under Moses' leadership. What should they do? They must earnestly hear His word and hold on to His covenant. A promise to be faithful to the Word and hold on to God's covenant with Moses will make them God's treasure. God owns the earth and does not view it and its contents as a treasure, but humans as individuals are His treasure. God even promised to make Israel a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
In his letter to the people in Rome, Saint Paul reminds us of the figure of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for the salvation of all of us. We are weak and disobedient, but Jesus dared to suffer and die for us. Christ's death is a sign of God's endless love for all of us as sinners. We can be pleased that the Lord God has declared us righteous through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Thus, we will surely obtain salvation. St. Paul also said that the death of Jesus Christ had reconciled us to God the Father in Heaven, and by His glorious resurrection, we all have eternal salvation.
The Lord Jesus in the Gospel gives a panorama of His church in the future. The face of His church is full of people who are sick, infirm, and in dire need of His saving presence. Jesus' compassion for many people, who were like sheep without a shepherd at the time, moved him. Therefore, he needs humans to be his co-workers. He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore ask the master who has the harvest that He sends workers for the harvest” (Matthew 9:37–38).
Then, the Lord Jesus called His twelve disciples. He makes them partners in his work because they belong to God. The Lord God Himself is moved by His heart to give His workers into the Church. This beloved treasure of Jesus is a collection of imperfect humans, but the Lord Jesus will perfect them to do the works of Jesus.
We are His most beloved treasures, and He wants us to participate in His mission. Are we ready to be sent? We are called to walk and work together to bring God’s love to this world. By baptism, we are missionaries in our respective ways of life.
Who is your favorite treasure in your life?
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