Rejoicement: Joy of the Soul

December 17, Sunday of the 3rd Week in Advent
Gaudete Sunday
Daily Readings: Isaiah 61: 1-2a, 10-11, 1 Thes. 5: 16-24, John 1: 6-8, 19-28
The third Sunday of Advent, today, is Gaudete Sunday. The Latin word ‘Gaudete’ means ‘Rejoice’. Therefore, today we lighted the candle of JOY. Christmas is very near and so the Church invites us to have the joyful anticipation of Joy that the world experienced at the birth of Christ, that would culminate in the commemoration and celebration of Christ’s birth on Christmas Day.
Liturgical colour for today is rose and rose is a brightening of the ordinary violet and thus symbolizes joy.
Dictionary defines joy as “a very glad feeling.” Their experience of Joy could be categorized into two in accordance with the way we choose to feel it. We can probably choose two English words to narrate it, namely ‘Enjoyment’ and ‘Rejoicement’. Enjoyment is the Joy of Senses or Joy of the Body. Rejoicement is the joy of the soul or spiritual joy.
The words of Prophet Isaiah in the first reading today reflect the spiritual joy he experienced in his prophetic mission, “My soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation” (Is 61:10). The responsorial psalm today is Mary’s Magnificat where she sings in joy, “My Soul rejoices in the Lord, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant”. She experiences joy in her interior life from the realization that God’s hands are at work in her by bearing the Saviour in her womb. This is what Paul reminds us in his 1st letter to Thessalonians, “Rejoice always, pray continually” (1 Th. 5:16-17). The gospel presents John the Baptist finding joy in presenting Jesus as the promised Messiah.
In the 18th century, a pontifical commission under Cardinal Prospero Lambertini (Pope Benedict XIV) determined Rejoicement or spiritual joy as the most important criterion of the canonization of a saint. The source of this interior joy of saints is their communion with the Lord. It is a grace to be joyful in heart even when external circumstances are turbulent. It means, if it is proven that a potential saint was not outstandingly joyful in their life there is no need to go any further with the canonization process.
On one side the world invites us to experience Christmas of the body or Christmas of the senses with its enjoyment features namely parties, shopping, vacation trips etc. On the other side, Gaudete Sunday gives us a gentle reminder to experience ‘Christmas in the Soul’ by interiorizing the mystery of incarnation through reflection, repentance and participation in Advent and Christmas liturgies. Because enjoyment is a momentary experience whereas rejoicement is abiding experience. Let us rejoice in the Lord, always. Amen.
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